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    1. New Carbon Material

      Home>Product>New Carbon Material

      Lithium Battery Negative Material

      Lithium Battery Negative Material

      The Current Capacity : 1000 t/a
      Supplier: Jining Keneng New Carbon Material Science and Technology Ltd.
      The Current Capacity : 1000 t/a
      Supplier: Jining Keneng New Carbon Material Science and Technology Ltd.
      Physical and Chemical Specification: Gram Volume: ≥ 340 mAh/g, real density: ≥2.22   g/cm3, Particle size distribution: D50 16~22 , Specific Surface Area: 3.2~3.6 m2/g, Bulk density: ≥0.95 g/cm3, compaction density: ≥1.5 g/cm3
      Application Area: Mainly used in the field of portable electronics, new energy Vehicle and energy reservation, and so on.
      ?2015 Jining Carbon Group Co.,Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
      Add:No.99 Rencheng Avenue,Jining,Shandong
      Tel:86-537-2317667 Fax:86-537-2317557
      Design by JEREI